I purchased this because of the reviews. I am a musician who plays drums, guitar, bass, and keyboards. Had a Roland TD-20 and a Hart Dynamics pro kit all worth about 7500 bucks new. I had to sell as the economy in 2008 just destroyed my building business. Still wanted to continue to record but no longer had a way to create a beat. Real music, you know like people listen to at a blues bar or a live concert. Not this toy sounding crap by Mattel. If you want bubble gum teenie bopper music , here it is. I have yet to find a good sequencer with REAL sounding drums. This stuff sounds like Saturday morning cartoons! I cant wait till I can afford a TD-30 and new a Hart set. Or maybe some midi beat pad. I just threw away 5.00 thats one thing I HATE about the App Store. You put your money in, it stays in. Their should be some kind of return system.